Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Courage to Do the Work

 In my last blog, I left off with this last piece: 

The next part is listening to yourself, really listening to identify what is the root cause of your inner conflict. Identifying and naming what that is will let you do the work to move forward. 

Here are some tips:

  • What are you ruminating about?
  • What is keeping you up at night?
  • What is distracting you during the day?
    • What makes your mind wander during work, during dinner, or while spending time with loved ones?
Write these things down. What is it about each thing you write down that is bothering you? Really dig deep here! What are the feelings that come up when you read each item on your list? Is it anger, frustration, sadness, a sense of injustice? Were your boundaries pushed? As these feelings come up, ask yourself what did I need in that moment? 

What was lacking in the moment that caused you pain, sadness, or anger? Were you seeking empathy, understanding, a break, a compliment, acknowledgment? Many times we feel we were not heard because we do not receive the reaction or action we needed.

How can you address this? Is it something that requires conflict resolution? Is this something that requires self-help? Is this something you need to talk through with a trusted friend, therapist, or community member? 

I'm asking you to ask yourself a lot of questions and be honest with yourself. It's a hard process. It's not easy AND necessary and worth it. What are you willing to work on or address to bring yourself peace? You know your limits and boundaries. 

These are all things we work through in my conflict coaching sessions. I hope this gives you a start. May you find peace in your soul and home. May your mind and heart align. Wishing you peace, blessings, and that YOU give yourself grace. Until next time.